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Mario Party 4

Books: Secret Codes 2003 - The Ultimate Code Book: Cheating Made Easy
Last Updated: 2/28/03.

Bowser's Gnarly Party Board
Special Bowser mini-game
Extra Room mini-games


Press L during game play to hear your character's taunt. You can only do this while on game board, but not in mini-games. Press L + C-stick Up for a faster version. Press L + C-stick Down for a slower version. Press L + C-stick Left or C-stick Right to vary its volume.

Bowser's Gnarly Party Board

Win all five boards in story mode and collect all presents for one character. Bowser will challenge you on his board. Beat him and his mini-game. You can now choose Bowser's Gnarly Party in Party Mode by highlighting Koopa and pressing Right.

Special Bowser mini-game

Besides Fruits of Doom, Darts of Doom, and Panels of Doom, there is also a Bowser Wrestling mini-game. Go to the Bowser's Gnarly Party Board, use a Mega Mushroom, then make an attempt to walk by Bowser (not Bowser Spaces). You will not find him on the board in any one except Bowser's Gnarly Party. The only other way to play this mini-game is to go to mini-game mode (after you have unlocked Bowser Wrestling), and look under "Etc.".

Extra Room mini-games

Successfully complete the game in single player mode with any character to unlock the Goomba Stomp, Beach Volleyball, and Panel Panic mini-games in the Extra Room.

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