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Double Dragon

Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
Last Updated: 10/14/00.

Refill your life
Fighting Double Abobos
Abobo tip
Weapon tip
Punching tip
Get lot's of points and learn moves
Skip the Level 2 boss
Rise to the top of the screen

Refill your life

Sent in by Norfleet Inside of the mountain on the third mission, their is a way you can refill your life as much as you want. After you have defeated the first two enemies in the mountain go through the doors to the blue section. If you take any damage, go back through the doors and reenter. When you come back your life will be restored.

Fighting Double Abobos

Sent in by Norfleet When fighting Double Abobos, you can easily defeat them with elbow hits. Simply turn backwards on the and press the punch button as they approach you. They might duck a couple of times, but they will get hit sooner or later.

Abobo tip

Sent in by Norfleet at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! When using Abobo in the VS. mode, start pressing the A and B buttons together, rapidly. Abobo will start punching his opponent with lightening speed. If you get caught in this move you will take big damage.

Weapon tip

Sent in by Norfleet You can increase the damage of your weapon in the VS. mode by pressing both the A and B buttons together when you are holding a weapon.

Punching tip

Sent in by AJ at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! When playing, try punching instead of kicking because you receive more points for punches which lead to better moves faster.

Get lot's of points and learn moves

Sent in by Chris Todd First get to mission 2. Then get the baseball bat from the guy on top of the fence. Next, jump off the fence and let the two thugs come after you. Get the top guy to come to the end of the red pipes at the top of the screen. When he gets there, run up the fence and go all the way to the end of it. Then turn around jump back off the fence and go to the end of the pipes. You will see no enemy, but start swinging your bat at the end of the pipes and watch your score go up!!

Skip the Level 2 boss

Sent in by Michael Harrison Dios On level 2 when the second boss appears: Just climb down the ladders and you'll hear the music it plays when you beat a level and there you have it. You beat the second boss without hitting him.


Sent in by Tom V. at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! General Strategy: Approach enemies from an angle so you can get in close to them where they can't hit you. Mission 4 Brick Wall: Wait for the top brick to come out twice before trying to cross. None of the bricks will hit you! Final Boss Strategy: Force Willy or the Shadow Boss into the corners and off the screen. You can kick them from here without taking as much damage.

Rise to the top of the screen

When fighting the girls near the end of Stage 1, walk up against the wall between the two pipes and press Up. Your character will rise to the top of the screen.

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