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Books: Nintendo Games Secrets - The Best of How to Win at Nintendo Games
Last Updated: 7/9/99.

Get some opponents tired


Sent in by Mark Jerome at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! N5BN 1B47 RZBZ Final Match Sting BXDR NBQ5 19DQ Won 3 Fights -XDY YBZH Y9DK Won 6 Fights QXD- 0B0D L9DQ Won 9 Fights Lex Luger DXH5 NBD5 R9DK Won 3 Fights LXHT YB67 N9DM Won 6 Fights Ric Flair DX7X NBT5 R9DV Won 3 Fights BX7Z YB07 N9DM Won 6 Fights Mike Rotunda DXT9 NB15 R9DW Won 3 Fights BXTH YB/7 R9DV Won 6 Fights Kevin Sullivan DXRZ NBY5 R9D5 Won 3 Fights BXRT YB6H R9D2 Won 6 Fights Rick Steiner DXNH NB-9 R9D1 Won 3 Fights BXND YB4H R9D5 Won 6 Fights Rick Steamboat DX1T NBV5 R9DL Won 3 Fights YX11 YB37 R9DD Won 6 Fights Road Warrior Hawk DXBR NBQ5 R9DG Won 3 Fights BXB1 YB37 R9DD Won 6 Fights Road Warrior Animal DXYD NBK5 R9D6 Won 3 Fights BXYB YB57 R9DY Won 6 Fights -XY- GBG1 R9DQ Won 11 Fights N5Y1 1BP7 RZNT Won 20 Fights Steve Williams DXLN NBM5 R9D4 Won 3 Fights BXLY YB7H R9DV Won 6 Fights Eddie Gilbert DXJ1 NBW9 R9D5 Won 3 Fights BXJL YBTH R9DK Won 6 Fights Michael Hayes DX0B NB89 R9D7 Won 3 Fights BX0J YBDH R9DW Won 6 Fights JX0G 0BGD R9DV Won 9 Fights

Get some opponents tired

Sent in by Jason Hyman at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! One of the main objects in this game is to get your opponent to drop down so that you can execute a more powerful move. One "cheap" way to get some opponents tired is to line up with them and run to the ropes. They will start running toward you. Stop running and get out the way of their path. After they hit the ropes three times, they will drop down weary and you get to pull of a power move without having to punch and kick! Note, this does not work against all opponents, but somewhere around 75% of them.

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