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Last Updated: 7/17/99.

How do you unlock the elevator lock on the third of the Drake building?
Fire at each other
Get 4-6 Karma over and over
Mage stays with you
Get the spell Flash
Finding the Lone Star Badge

How do you unlock the elevator lock on the third of the Drake building?

Sent in by Thomas V at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! All you have to do is go into your inventory and use the cyberdeck. Then you run the finger, that pops up, over all of the computers until a sign that says "Computer" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then click.

Fire at each other

Sent in by Mike In Shadowrun pretty far in the game you'll be able to hire Aniki, for the low low price of $10,000. Save before you do this because it's just for fun. First of all go and hire any 3 Shadowrunners. Then you hire Aniki over the phone. She'll meet you at one of the train stations. When you and your 3 guys go in and Aniki gets off the train "All chaos breaks loose." They all fire at each other including you. Note: When you leave the room the game usually freezes.

Get 4-6 Karma over and over

Sent in by Lord Alamax When you are in the top floor of the Drake Volcano and you get to the point when you have to fight the Serpent (the thing that gives you the scales) Kill the Serpent for 4-6 Karma. Then, without getting the scales, leave the screen the way you came, return to fight the Serpent for another 4-6 Karma (depending on what your skills are you might have to fight the Serpent twice to get karma). You can do this as many time as you need as long as you don't get the scales. With everything maxed out fighting Drake is nothing.

Mage stays with you

Sent in by Mark Hatch If you hire the mage that gives you the "magic leaves" and go defeat the rat shaman (as long as she doesn't die in the process) she will stay with you for the rest of the game.

Get the spell Flash

Sent in by The Rivan King If you go to the mystical Dog Spirit with ALL the magical items (ie you haven't gotten any spells, but you have all the equipment) and present them, you will get a new spell: Flash. Flash blinds everyone (enemies) on screen, so you can blast them at your leisure.


Sent in by C Wright at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! When starting off in your long and glorious adventure, don't pass up the free armor and a gun. Both of these objects are essential to your continued survival as a Shadowrunner Walk down the dark alley, and before the ganger can kill you, pick up the Baretta and shoot him down. When he dies, you can pick up his body armor, though it's a little damaged from your shooting. Then walk to the very back of the alley, and you meet your Dog Spirit.

Finding the Lone Star Badge

Sent in by C Wright at The Unofficial World of Nintendo!!! The Lone Star Badge can be a tough one to find. The first step is to go to the Club and ask the bartender for some Iced Tea. Don't drink it! Go to the angry patron, and give him the tea. When you talk to him, he'll mention "Grinder." Ask him about Grinder to learn "Lone Star." Go to the fencer (the one who sells grenades) and ask about "Lone Star." You can get the badge for 150.

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