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Shaq Fu

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games
Last Updated: 7/13/99.

Shaq intermissions
Make the picture at the center of the screen disappear
Blood Code
Control Second World Fighters
Secret Arena

Shaq intermissions

At the options screen, choose the fighter you wish to be in Story mode by picking a number in the music test as follows: 1 = Shaq 3 = Beast 5 = Memphis 7 = Rajah 2 = Kaori 4 = Sett 6 = Voodoo. Then press Up , Down, B, Left, Right, B, Start. In the story mode, there will be Shaq intermissions, but you will get to play as your character.

Make the picture at the center of the screen disappear

Go to the Options screen and press Up, Right, B, Down, Left, then B. If the code is entered correctly, the screen will flash. Now go to the Duel Mode Player Select screen. Press X and B simultaneously on both controllers to make the picture at the center of the screen disappear. Now begin the duel.

Blood Code

On the option screen press Y, X, B, A, L, and R.

Control Second World Fighters

Go to the option screen and highlight the Music Test and choose a number between 2 and 7. Now press Up, Down, B, Left, Right, and B.

Secret Arena

On the option screen press Up, Right, B, Down, Left, and B.

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